Saturday, December 5, 2009

Life Goals

Every motherfucker should have some goals for his or her life. I've set some short to mid range goals in my 22 years of experience, but I don't feel like I've made any good, structured, long term, goals. I've made some open ended promises to myself like "when I'm older and settled down I want to be happy and not just living because I haven't died yet." But seriously, that isn't much of a commitment. It's more of a dream that may or may not happen if I don't sit my ass down and make some REAL goals to ensure that I actually DO keep myself happy later on down the road. If you don't know this about me, I'm fairly quick to become interested in something, and also fairly quick to lose interest in it. I love new experiences but for some reason I'm not so great at building upon past ones. That isn't to say I don't learn things, but I have a deep fear of failure that I haven't really figured out how to address that has kept me from devoting all me free time to any one certain activity. I guess I like to consider myself more of a "jack of all trades" but I'm kind of just hoping one day I'll pick up a hobby and just be a pro at it right off the bat. I know that is a ridiculous statement but unfortunately it is kind of true.
I'm going to start setting some goals for my ass to accomplish in the near, mid, and long term and I'd like to post them for all to see, because I need people to push me and remind me and down right annoy me to ensure that I don't drop the ball on myself. So be a friend and talk to me about these some time if you are interested!!

1) Get out of the military. This is only a matter of time and doesn't really require TOO much effort on my part so it isn't really a goal, but more of a timed event. Either way I'll be happy to accomplish it because it WILL end a goal I set in my earlier years to serve my country.

2) Publish something. There it is. I don't care if it is a book, a play, music, poetry, or even artwork(though that is least likely to happen) This is DEFINITELY one of my big goals that I really have to keep myself to. I am SO jealous of everybody who gets their ideas and works copied and distributed for other people to see that I just have to know what it feels like. I'm terrified of dying and being forgotten EVEN THOUGH IT IS THE INEVITABLE TRUTH. That is beside the point. I will make this happen.

3) Continue traveling. This one is especially important now that I have a busy work/school schedule. I have to keep looking for new places to go. Hold me to this if you have trip ideas!

4) Own a home/property. Even if it is just an empty lot somewhere, I love the idea of owning some real estate. I better have a damn good excuse if I turn 30 and am still paying rent somewhere.

5) Be a better friend. Ok I guess this is one of those Oxygen Channel "we can always be better people" goals that is hard to measure, but I really do think so highly of all my buddies and I want to stay committed to being a good friend regardless of circumstances.

Ok that's going to be it for right now. I know it's a short list but I promise it will grow after I've put some more thought into the matter.

Adios for now!


Mike said...

Goal 6: Watch less Oxygen Channel

Becca said...

"I guess I like to consider myself more of a "jack of all trades" but I'm kind of just hoping one day I'll pick up a hobby and just be a pro at it right off the bat. I know that is a ridiculous statement but unfortunately it is kind of true."

totally not a ridiculous statement. jack of all trades, master of something > jack of all trades, master of nothing. you will stumble upon that jam sooner or later.

ps sometime next year... you, beth, and other west coasters should meet me and whoever else smack dab in the middle of the united states. i have no clue where that is... but we should go.