Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Man, moving is starting to get stressful. Beth and I started selling a bunch of records, which was awesome, even though I didnt want to part with a few of them. now I'm starting to look at more of my "odds-n-inns" (or whatever that fruity saying is) and thinking "shit, do i need this?" or "fuck, i want this, but where will i put it?". the questions keep coming. I know when it gets down to the line I'll be fine cutting my losses and gettin on the road, but in the mean time its metaphorically "chapping my ass".

Fuck! i have to go to drill friday night-sunday afternoon. this is so obnoxious. I was all set to go to the mountains with my best friends but since my Company has their head pretty far up their ass, I have to spend my weekend bullshitting with them. THEN, i have to find 3 more days over the next two weeks to go back and make up what i missed last month. UGH. shit me in the crap flapper. I hope it gives me a chance to make some lists cause i'm a bit p.o.ed.

Anticipation of moving is really frustrating. I'm glad I don't own a house, selling that and trying to find one across the country would be a major splinter in my dick hole.

fucking shit fuck.

pardon my language, but i'm a punk rocker.

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