Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life: Post Show

Ok. Now I see what I've gotten into. I've spent the last year and a half dipping my toes into the likes of Strike Anywhere, Jets To Brazil, Dead Serious, Saves The Day, and New Found Glory over my sisters stereo, but now I've taken the plunge. That show flipped me in every way shape and form. I saw kids not giving a fuck and loving every fleeting second of it. I saw the guy who booked the show and I'd put him at 20 years old, tops. This whole god damn thing is run, attended, and down right owned by "kids". I wanted to be one of them.

I had never before been so at home, even though I had also never before seen so out of my comfort zone. The freedom of speech and personality and art. I could not believe that it was okay to bounce, or to put it realistically "slam", around with other kids who you didn't even know, screaming at the top of your lungs. I was free. Free from the collared shirts my mom made me wear to school to show the teachers that I wasn't a thug. Free from the judgments of all the other 13 year old's that seemed so important to survival. Free from the questions in my head about what the hell was going on in my body or the world around me. I knew right then and there that this was the place and the crowd for me. I wanted to hold on as tight as I could and let the ride take me wherever it happened to go.

1 comment:

va said...

more more more more! also, if you get a chance check out the book American Skin. I think you'd find it interesting... :)