Friday, August 14, 2009

"Step back from yourself." Okay. There is a bowl full of chocolate in front of me and an ipod full of my favorite bands next to that. Why can't I come up with an idea for a good story? No. Wrong question. I can come up with good story ideas, I just can't write them down with interesting beef. I swear people would pay money to see my thoughts projected against a white screen. Or maybe I just wish they would... Anyways, as far as I'm concerned my problem is how to put some of these ideas into words. Words that will make people want to read more. Not just two dollar words I learned from dictionary dot com's daily emails though. Real words. Words like Filth, Crinkle, and Poised. Words that convey ideas. I want my readers to see what I'm writing, not just wonder whether I talk like this in real life or if I get off on pretending that I studied English Literature at some lush university in rural New Jersey. Fuck it. Ok, now that I have my R rating, or at least PG by today's standards, I guess I can start in from the beginning again. Did I mention that I've been drinking? Actually I have not, but let's pretend I am for sake of belligerence because I respect a free mind's creativity. From the beginning!

This story begins in 2001. August to be sure. Late in the month, but the exact date is irrelevant. On this particular night I will witness, for the first time in my life, an inexplicable, uncontrollable, and absolutely nonsensical marriage between real music and real energy in a real crowd of real individuals. Now I must ask you to please not take my overuse of the word "real" for granted here. When I say "Real Music" I mean music that has been written for a purpose. To send a message. To pull like minded people together. And when I say "Real Energy" I mean energy that is aroused from deep within one's heart and mind, not demanded by a squad of cheer leaders or a light up "Applause!" sign. This is energy being expelled without rules, save the laws of physics. As for the "real crowd" of "real individuals", well, if you don't understand that one then you should just take a look around the room the next time you attend a punk show.


beth said...

i'd be interested in knowing more about what show this was specifically

va said...

i concur with beth, more on this!! more more more more more