Thursday, February 28, 2008

Because my life is awesome

First off, being able to sit down at a bar or be in a restaurant and order a beer is such a convenient and fun thing to do. I fully appreciate it. I took advice from one of my friends and bought a ticket to the Can Can Beer Dinner. Apparently this is a 5 course meal where every serving is masterly complemented with an imported brew. I'm excited.

Another thing I'm excited/nervous about is first drill back.

I'm glad to be getting back in the routine and seeing everybody again but I REALLY don't want to cut my hair and I REALLY don't want to go through all my gear today to make sure that I have it all. I also REALLY don't want to go to this incredibly lame "Freedom Salute" ceremony that we are apparently having. I was on the phone with my Squad Leader (who is bat shit insane) the other day and he confirmed my assumption that it will be 100% gay and a waste of time. Fuck it. It'll be an alright weekend.

My life rules. Too many things up in the air, as usual, but isn't that what life is about? Who knows. I'm so excited for United Blood!!! I need to start working out again.

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