Friday, February 15, 2008

Where am I going with this

Fuck. I'm not in the mood to write this. I'm usually not though, thats why I only have a few entries. But I'm forcing myself tonight. That last blog was stupid. I mean I thought it was funny and somewhat clever at the time and maybe I will again later on, but right now I'm just annoyed with it. This will probably end up being a worse post though. I feel like shit because I ate too much General Tso's Chicken after band practice. I had a pretty fun night doing that though. I almost understand jam bands now. We just smashed around with like every genre of music and it was a blast. It was really nice outside and Brett and I rode and hit a few spots over the afternoon before running into some other BMX kids we know. Theres about 50 things on my mind right now surrounding my birthday and girls and friends and family and future and just about every aspect of life right now. Its all looming over my head like a big piano hanging from a sky scraper. I need a good tree to sit under on a nice day with an apple and maybe a book. Cause I try to live my life in fantasy world, fuck you, say i can't!!!! that was kind of weird. maybe i'll type this whole thing without any backspaces. i will too. i just realized that a comma belonged between "will" and "too" but its too late to change it now!! oh well. I'm in a pretty good mood overall, maybe a little tired and a little overwhelmed, but thats not a bad thing. i'm going to bed though

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