Tuesday, February 12, 2008

This is a little rediculous, but so am I

I hate R&B. I can't stand it musically, but my main problem lies in the culture that I think the lyrics are responsible for. Keep in mind that I have about 2 weeks of actual relationship experience in my life so if you want to tell me I have no clue what I'm talking about then that's fine, but I'd be happier if you told me you laughed while reading this blog.

Now when it comes to girls, I think I have the "strong and masculine yet gently romantic" figure that, according to Power 92, women desire. I don't usually have a problem getting the initial interest of a girl I like, but progressing to the next stage of a relationship is where things always seem to take a nosedive. I couldn't figure out exactly why this was. Reasonably, I assumed that R&B would give me an answer so I started listening to some casually. Time went by and I wasn't getting anything out of these songs. In one final attempt, I really started pondering the lyrics and taking them for more than face value. In my research I discovered that R&B is not at all what it appears to be on the surface. I found out that there are really only Two Reasons that guys write and listen to R&B songs and that they feed off of each other to form a continuous cycle of terrible lies that girls consistently mislabel as "tough love".

The First Reason guys write R&B songs is to provide a set up for male listeners to trick naïve/stupid, kind-of-easy girls into sleeping with them. The listener (or poser, if you will) plays sappy, corny, obnoxious R&B songs to make himself out to seem like he lives above real life human problems and emotions. For some reason this lifestyle seems to be irresistible to females and before long the girl will be tagged and bagged. From here, the suave, attractive, stylish man (typical Poser) begins the process over again with another girl. Sometimes things don't go to plan though, which brings up the Second Reason that R&B songs are written.

The Second Reason that R&B songs are written are as a response to a reaction to something fucked up that the singer has done. Let me break that down for you. Guy cheats on Girl. Girl finds out. Guy regrets cheating (not because he's sorry, but because Girl found out). Girl tries to dump Guy. Guy wants to show Girl that he is actually human after all and proves that he is keen to her emotions by writing a sappy, corny, obnoxious R&B song to show her how much he "cares". From here, the girl will either
A) buy into the story and continue the relationship until she catches the guy cheating again.
B) begin the cycle all over again with a different guy who probably(and less than coincidentally) also listens to/writes R&B songs.
In conclusion, I think any guy who actively listens to R&B is also actively lying, and any girl who dates R&B type guys is actively being lied to. I also REALLY think the music sucks.

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