Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Big Day

Today I was hung over.....ALL fucking day. wow. I haven't felt this bad in a while. Its 7pm now and I'm pretty much back to normal besides the fact that I'm not really hungry and I haven't eaten anything all day. weird.

well, i was going to lie and tell everyone I dropped a bowling ball on it, but the truth is I lost my balance in a drunken blind-closing lurch and shattered my laptop's screen. Beth informs me that I looked like a wayward sailboat shifting about in a heavy gale for a solid 5 seconds before finally toppling elbow deep into the PC's keyboard. This did not distress me at the time because I still couldn't believe the deal I got on booze at Rite-aid, but now I understand that it will end up costing me a bunch of money to repair. Oh well.

Beth baked some mac n cheese today and I was too sick to eat it earlier, but I'm pretty pumped about trying it soon. She also concocted a recipe for creamsicles. (oranges, vanilla icecream, and orange juice) the secret ingredient might be Curacao(but none for me, please).

It sucks that our showers still have temperature governors on them so we can't take very hot showers. I need to call Bob Hoover the complex handyman and have him shake a leg at the situation.

Nothing else happened to me today except spending large amounts of time in the bathroom or trying to sleep. It was supposed to be our big job hunt day too. Brilliant

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