Friday, October 31, 2008

Off My Chest

I wrote a really in-depth and slightly rude post about trying to understand why anyone I know would not vote for Barack Obama on Tuesday, but I decided not to post it because I don't think I could get my point across without being too offensive. I value all of my friend's opinions and respect them for reasons irrelevant of political views, but I really hope for ALL OF OUR BENEFITS that Obama becomes the next president. It's not that I think John would do a terrible job, but on no level would he be as beneficial to ANY OF US as Barack would (unless, of course, you are secretly making >$250,000/year and if this is the case, HOOK ME UP!!!)

I'm just going to say this...

PLEASE reconsider ONE last time if you are planning on voting for the Republican ticket. Think about all of the important topics and look at both candidates future plans as well as prior voting records. Then, look at the VP candidates and consider who would do a better job if it came down to it.

The choice is easy.

I love you all

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