Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Obama seems to be catching some flak for his staff picks because a lot of them were part of the Clinton administration. Apparently some people were expecting his "change" policy to mean comprising his White House of 100% brand new faces overnight. While not a political scientist, I feel like even I know better than to expect/want something like that to happen.

For starters, lets remember that Clinton's years were marked a terrific success, and even amidst his scandal he was still ranked the most approved president of the past 70 years by the American public. Secondly, as pointed out by news sources, the last Democrat president before Clinton was Jimmy Carter, and most of his staffers are either passed on or retired from politics.

Also, most of the Clinton people that Obama has tapped will be doing different jobs than what they did 8 years ago. Obviously the world has changed TREMENDOUSLY since then and I feel like they will definitely have different, more current goals and agendas.

In the end, we're just going to have to wait and see what kind of a job Obama does, but I am still 100% on his band wagon and I don't give a shit what some ass hole like Ayman al-Zawahiri has to say about it.

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